
Blog Post

respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Also, please respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Your response to your classmate’s discussion should be around 50 words (each) and add to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking questions, etc.)


The key aspect of the initial investigation is Define the scope of the Investigation, Plan the Investigation, Collect relevant evidence, Review and analyze the information, Document the findings. Setting the scope for an investigation is essential to ensure that distinct boundaries and clear objectives are defined. If the new information is not deemed as relevant to the agreed scope of the investigation, and it is considered that ignoring it will not be prejudicial to the outcome of the current investigation, then it is important for the investigator to disregard the information and remain focus on the scope and objectives of the current investigation. Proper planning involves being clear on the objectives of the investigation (i.e. what are you looking to prove or disapprove) and identifying the lines of inquiry you will undertake, and in  what order, to achieve your objectives. Collecting relevant evidence is convert and confidential manner and is important to maintain the integrity of the investigation. Its is equally important to ensure that there is an accurate record kept of evidence obtained during the investigation. Reviewing and analyzing the evidence should be done with an objective mindset. In conducting this analysis, it is important to limit any possibility of investigator bias and to assess the evidence against the requisite standards of proof such as ‘on the balance of probabilities’. The final stage of investigation is provide a report document that is accurate, concise and outlines. When documenting all evidence, inculpatory and exculpatory, must be included within the report to ensure that there id transparency about the reliability and weight allocated to evidence. These key elements will assist as investigator, irrespective of their experience, to conduct a successful investigation that achieves its purpose and adheres  to the principal of natural justice.



1. Describe the key aspects of the initial investigation.

The key aspects of the initial investigation are to gather preliminary information about the crime.  You first want to secure the crime scene, locate victims, and provide medical care if applicable.  Once the crime scene is secured and any victims requiring medical care are assisted, you need to locate, separate and interview witnesses.  Canvass the area for any physical evidence you may have initially missed, or that was not immediately evident.  Look for surveillance cameras.  Once the physical evidence is located and secured within the crime scene, you must photograph it and then collect the physical evidence.

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